Friday, November 2, 2012

Decision 2012

Next Tuesday is the big date. November 6th, 2012 is election day, where the leader of the free world for the next four years, among other offices both nationally and locally, will be decided. Forget the line between Democrats and Republicans, this is the future we're talking about, something that will impact our nation, our state, and us in the long run. So with that in mind, I can not express how important it is for each one of us to express our voice and go out to the booths.
The last day of early voting is today, November 2nd. The locations that you can go out to at this time to cast your vote before November 6th in both Williamson and Travis counties are both listed in the links on their names. It is the best way to avoid any crowds on election day and, as I have found myself, can be a very quick five minutes of your time.
I try to stay as neutral as I can with my view on this blog, but I really can't say enough about how important it is to have a voice in the government. In these times, we need people who can work for a better future and buck the trends our country is currently undertaking. Vote smart, be informed, and remember that no matter who wins that they are the people we are to rally behind for our future.
God bless us all, and may the people who are best suited to lead our country and our state be elected.

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