Friday, October 19, 2012

The Importance of Being Informed and Voting

Voting is a right given to all Americans once they have reached the age of 18, and it is a right that I believe is important for everyone to exercise, no matter what your view. With that being said, even though we all have that right, I also believe that you should only vote when you are well informed about what you are voting about. Take this discussion that Neil Aquino at Texas Liberal brings up for example. He is trying to get us to understand that we as voters are responsible for being informed before putting the check mark on a ballot.

Using links to various pages and sources, Aquino brings up the thought that even though there are solid facts showing that a certain candidate is not fit or qualified for the job, he was voted in as the Democrat candidate for district attorney in Harris county. That brings up the concern that voters are on cruise control in the box, just picking for the party they've always voted for and selecting the name that sounds more familiar to their ears. With the thought that these people are going to be running our government for however long their term is, we need to put a little more thought about who we pick for our offices.

Yes, voting is a right all Americans have, but we need to be aware that we put the folks sitting in the government in office with our vote. If we find  that we dislike the way a person is doing their job, we need to realize we were the ones who put them in there in the first place, and that we are also the folks who need to vote them out come the election. For information on how to vote in our fine state, regardless of which party you support, here is a link to a page also created by Mr. Aquino. Be informed, make your voice count.

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