Thursday, December 13, 2012

Dexter the Texter! - a commentary on a dangerous driving habit

John Olson in his blog "Texas Govt. Today and Tomorrow" posted about a concern that all Texans should be aware of, especially since we may be the people to be concerned about. In his article "Dexter the Texter!" he brings up the issue of texting while driving, something that legislation has been battling for a while now.

John uses an article in the Houston Chronicle, and specifically quotes from representative Tom Craddick to support his commentary's main point regarding the danger of texting, bringing credibility in the fact that it's a view from a politician involved in the texting legislation. He then includes a website with more information about the matter, giving a reader another source to dive deeper into the matter.

I cannot help but agree with John's view. I do not text and drive myself, but I have been in the same car with people who take their eyes off the road, put their knees on the steering wheel to keep the car straight, and start texting. It is truly a terrifying thought knowing that he is completely unaware of what's happening in front of him while looking at his mobile device. While laws are in place to counter this, they are really only enforced in school areas in Round Rock at least. You aren't even allowed to talk on the phone in school zones here. But elsewhere, people can be seen doing it all the time. I believe that stricter enforcement of these laws, as well as harsher penalties, will truly make it not worth looking at your phone while you are on the road, even though the occasional wreck put on TV should already be incentive enough .